Can Medical Marijuana Help With Autoimmune Disorders

March 5, 2019

Can Medical Marijuana Help With Autoimmune Disorders?

Even with scientific advancement today, finding the root cause of chronic diseases remains to be a challenge to date.  Autoimmune conditions remain controversial in many circles and completely misunderstood. Currently, for example, there are at least 80 known autoimmune disorders registered, which affect different parts of the body. There are more conditions, which are also considered autoimmune.


Autoimmunity is considered an attack on self, which means the immune system gets triggered to regard the tissues are invaders. Since the immune system is mediated by beta cells with the responsibility of producing antibodies to fight foreigners. The beta cells release antibodies, which prevent infections or fend of bacteria. They are in charge of cell-mediated immunity to keep the body safe from invaders. In an autoimmune response, they mistakenly consider the body’s cells as foreigners. The result is an attack on self, infamously known as molecular mimicry, which is the root of all autoimmune disorders.

Conventional treatment

Today, medication is designed to shut off the immune system, as a solution to halt the attack. Immunosuppressive drugs are basically antibodies, which attack the autoimmune antibodies. The resulting condition puts the patient in danger of falling to infection, which may lead to the development of cancer. These treatments leave one susceptible to further damage; hence the search and popularity of holistic alternatives as replacements. This is where marijuana doctors come in to help.

Dealing with Inflammation

Most illnesses are a result of inflammations, and autoimmunity is one of them. After extensive research, many studies have shown that THC, CBD, and other cannabis components perform best when inflammations are in question. Regulating inflammation means less likelihood of autoimmune attacks. Further investigation is required to assess the particular role of cannabinoids for autoimmune disorders.

Marijuana doctors have proven that cannabinoid therapy is effective enough to bring autoimmune to minimal levels. The best part is that there are no side effects related to the treatment. Most preclinical studies have shown that cannabinoids attenuate autoimmune inflammatory response. Results of a test conducted on an animal subject with multiple sclerosis indicated decreased gene transcription to promote inflammation.

Although studies are limited, there are more than enough testimonials about patients who improved by utilizing cannabis as part of the treatment. For example, one patient with ankylosing spondylitis improved after two months of using CBD alongside pharmaceuticals, which never seemed to suppress the symptoms.


  1. Nutrient-Rich Diet

Most marijuana Doctors advice their patents to take a sustainable, healthy diet alongside their treatment. This means maintaining a low-sugar, low-fat, minimal processed foods to help restore the body’s ability to retain its strength

  1. Exercise

It is also vital to maintain active movement to increase circulation of anti-inflammatory cytokines. This is a natural process initiated by skeletal muscles.

  1. Sufficient Sleep

Since your body naturally lowers inflammation, as you sleep, you need to find enough sleep to heal

  1. Herbal Medicine

Herbal solutions such as ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, and other alkaline foods have proven to be useful anti-inflammatories.

Although autoimmunity conditions are complex and challenging, there are working solutions today. There is a need for further investigation of holistic approaches to manage the conditions. As the researchers dig deeper into the accuracy and extent of the help provided by this solution, patients can still benefit from its use.


Marijuana has proven useful in the treatment of autoimmune complications. Rapid and consistent improvement has been shown in many subjects to raise awareness and confidence among the rest of the people. The current medical solutions such as Immunosuppressive drugs are basically antibodies, which attack the autoimmune antibodies. The resulting condition puts the patient in danger of falling to infection, which may lead to the development of cancer. These treatments leave one susceptible to further damage; hence the search and popularity of holistic alternatives as replacements. This is where marijuana doctors come in to help.  Autoimmune conditions remain controversial in many circles and completely misunderstood. Currently, for example, there are at least 80 known autoimmune disorders registered, which affect different parts of the body. There are more conditions, which are also considered autoimmune. Most importantly, Cannabis has proven safe for use and legalized in all states to benefit patients who can access it.

If you are interested in the benefits of medical marijuana, please contact our offices or visit our get started page now.