Tag: locations

July 29, 2021

Autism is one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the U.S., with 1 in 70 children facing an autism diagnosis. Diagnoses for autism are more common in males, where statistics are showing that 1 in 50 males experience this disorder. Prevalence of this disorder is only increasing over the years. As the medical marijuana…

June 4, 2021

Not surprisingly, this question has been the topic of conversation in many groups and by medical marijuana doctors in Florida. Some contend that substance use is associated with lower relationship satisfaction and higher rates of divorceĀ andĀ aggression. Others suggest that the effects of substance use on relationship health are benign at worst, and may even benefit…

January 22, 2021

The cannabis plant contains active chemical compounds called cannabinoids, which are something of a miracle. In the 1980’s, scientists discovered that the crystal-like hairs containing resin glands, or trichomes, on cannabis leaves and flowers contain active chemical compounds (nearly ninety have been isolated so far) that plug into cannabinoid receptors in the human brain. These…

September 23, 2020

What’s The Process For Getting A Medical Marijuana Card in Florida you ask? With medical marijuana being put on the ballot and legalize in Florida since Nov. 2016, the answer to that is quite simple: The first step is to make an appointment for an in person visit with a licensed certificated medical marijuana Doctor…

August 3, 2020

Can medical marijuana help with abdominal pain? Medical marijuana is undoubtedly rising fast among patients around the world. With new policies to legalize its use in North America, the use of cannabis has shot on a vertical trajectory. It is mostly used to relieve pain among patients with chronic illnesses. Easing pain safely is important…