Medical Marijuana and Treating Symptoms of Glaucoma

May 2, 2021

If you or a loved one has Glaucoma and could use the medicinal benefits of medical marijuana, Please contact of team of medical marijuana doctors today to get started.


Glaucoma is a condition which is characterized by the optic nerve getting damaged over time. The first effect is reduced peripheral vision which can possibly lead to total blindness. A cause of optic nerve damage is known as Intraocular pressure (IOP), which simply means that eye pressure is higher than normal. Marijuana is known to lower blood pressure, therefore, it serves that it would be a good option in the treatment of Glaucoma. I would advise that it isn’t that easy.


Causes of Glaucoma:

The fluid inside the eye, which is called aqueous humor, usually flows out of the eye through a mesh-like trabecular network or channel. The blockage of this network or channel leads to the accumulation of aqueous humor. Other types of Glaucoma can result from a severe eye infection, chemical or blunt injury to the eye, inflammatory conditions, and blocked blood vessels inside your eye.


Signs and Symptoms of Glaucoma

The symptoms in Glaucoma develop late in the disease. That’s why Glaucoma is often called or referred to as the “sneak thief of vision.” The main symptom and sign is usually a loss of peripheral or side vision says a group of medical marijuana physicians.

  • Eye pain
  • Redness in your eye
  • Vision loss
  • Upset stomach or vomiting
  • An eye that looks hazy
  • Headache
  • Anxiety and stress


Research conducted in the 1970s and 1980s showed a measurable decrease in intraocular pressure for about three to four hours after ingesting THC or smoking cannabis. However, this is a really short time considering that to treat Glaucoma and preserve vision, patients require that their eye pressure is controlled 24 hours a day.


Our optic nerve carries the visual from our eye to the brain. Glaucoma damages the optic nerve that disconnects the visual from the optic nerve to our brain, resulting in vision loss and blindness. The potential loss of peripheral vision is part of glaucoma, if one is unable to treat glaucoma in time, they will potentially lose their vision forever. That is why people various ways to reduce the effect of glaucoma in their eyes, and it can be done in many ways, but is marijuana one of them? In this article, we are gonna go a little deeper into what marijuana does to Glaucoma and what most physicians think about this way of treatment.


You might already begin to see the problem here. In order to treat Glaucoma using marijuana, intraocular pressure would have to be reduced by 3-5 mmHg and maintained. This means that about 18-20 mg of THC would have to be ingested six to eight times a day, every day. To put it in perspective, marijuana would need to be smoked every 3-4 hours. This would be impossible for anyone with an active lifestyle or who operates machinery or drives cars all day.


Many people are looking to marijuana to see if it has enough components that can help their glaucoma problem. Many now have legalized marijuana for their medical patients who are going through terminal diseases. For the people who are not going through any disease, these states would have tighter laws against them getting access to medical marijuana. With the rise of medical marijuana has made a lot of people the question: Can medical marijuana improve symptoms of glaucoma? This article will be about this question, and you will get to know the opinions of many. So you can be sure if you are thinking of this way of treating your glaucoma.


Glaucoma affects 3 million Americans, which commonly takes place in the body when IOP or intraocular pressure rises to a certain level. Like I said before, there are ways to control the effects of glaucoma. All of the methods provided by researchers suggest that reduction of the IOP levels in our body will control the level of glaucoma.


The treatment for glaucoma is to lower the intraocular pressure in your eye to slowly control the damage of the optic nerve. Because glaucoma is caused by the rising of the intraocular pressure. The traditional methods of treating glaucoma have always been proper eye medications, laser treatments, and at last surgery.


Medication to glaucoma offers eye drops that can lower the pressure on both of your eyes. This will prevent glaucoma from popping up in your body. Plenty of results have shown eyedrops being one of the most effective medications to stop the rate of glaucoma progress. But this can get very annoying for some people to drop a liquid in their eye every single day. That’s why they opt out to other methods that can lower the level of glaucoma without making the patient use medication every single day.


Strains of Marijuana used in Glaucoma treatment:

These five strains are most widely used in the treatment of glaucoma.

  1. Sativa Marijuana Strain (hash plant haze)

This strain of marijuana is known to lower eye pressure. It also assists in relieving severe pain, which is a preponderant symptom of glaucoma disease.


2. Indica marijuana strain (Rollex OG Kush) 

This strain is pretty much effective in treating and reducing fatigue and headaches, which are the two most common symptoms of glaucoma disease.


3. Hybrid Strain (Mad Dawg)

It is a hybrid strain that is used to treat migraines and headaches. As glaucoma also causes headaches, so this hybrid strain can be used to treat glaucoma-induced headaches effectively


4. Sativa Marijuana Strain (Santa Sativa)

Sativa is a strain that effectively reduces nausea, can be used as an analgesic, and can treat or mitigate anorexia effectively. Due to its taste and practical actions, it is used widely for glaucoma disease


5. Hybrid Marijuana Strain (LAPD) 

 LAPD is a hybrid strain that is used as an anxiolytic. It brings sensations of calmness and can reduce severe anxiety and stress because of glaucoma.


If you want to get your medical marijuana doctors rec from a licensed and certified group of marijuana doctors in Florida, please contact today or call our office. (800) 303-9916.