Can Marijuana Improve Health Conditions & Quality of Life

October 15, 2020


Despite the bad reputation that marijuana has among the general population, it is an incredibly beneficial substance that aids in many health conditions and improves the quality of life.

Today, there are hundreds of published research papers that cover the potential health benefits of using marijuana in different fields of medicine. In fact, many health facilities authorize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes to relieve the symptoms of incurable ailments. Additionally, marijuana use gets linked to an improved quality of life (QoL). This concept is extremely important in the field of medicine.


The benefits of marijuana use

Using marijuana offers a myriad of health benefits that researchers unveil every day. The main compound in marijuana that mediates these benefits is CBD as stated by a group of cannabis doctors.

Note that CBD is not a psychoactive substance, meaning that it doesn’t trigger the euphoria associated with smoking marijuana.


Management of chronic pain

Chronic pain is a common chief complaint seen in private clinics and hospitals. It is especially prevalent in the elderly since it’s often associated with other diseases. The use of marijuana to treat pain is not a new trend. In fact, our ancestors used it for hundreds of years. According to historians and scientists, the use of marijuana started thousands of years B.C. for this purpose.

Our brains have thousands of neurotransmitters that regulate different biological functions, including metabolism, sleep, and energy expenditure. One of those neurotransmitters is endocannabinoid, which activates CB1/CB2 receptors found in the brain and immune cells. By taking CBD products, you will be artificially activating the cannabinoid receptors, which may create an analgesic effect, reducing pain caused by malignant disease. Scientists confirmed this effect by a study published in 2018.


Helps With Mental Health Issues

Marijuana products have been shown to reduce symptoms of some mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. In a 2019 study, researchers inspected the effect of marijuana on anxiety by recruiting 57 participants who were part of four groups. Three of these groups received different dosages of CBD and one group received a placebo.

At the end of the study, participants who received CBD products showed enhanced levels of mental resilience and less anxiety. Researchers concluded the study by stating that “findings confirm the anxiolytic-like properties of CBD and are consonant with results of animal studies describing bell-shaped dose-response curves. Optimal therapeutic doses of CBD should be rigorously determined so that research findings can be adequately translated into clinical practice.” These results advocate for the use of marijuana and CBD products to help patients with anxiety issues.

Related Article: Health Effects of Medical Marijuana


Reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases

A large portion of the population deals with neurodegenerative diseases at some point; these illnesses include Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. The exact mechanisms of neurodegenerative disease are not clearly understood; therefore, we are unable to prevent or treat them. Unfortunately, once the neurons are damaged, there is no going back. This process is irreversible. After many clinical trials, researchers are starting to appreciate the potential role that marijuana could play as a protective agent of the brain. In a 2014 study, researchers stated that the use of marijuana products can be very beneficial for patients with Parkinson’s disease.


Improves cardiovascular health

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. In fact, CAD causes more deaths than diabetes, pulmonary disease, and cancer combined. Fortunately, marijuana reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by managing its risk factors (e.g., blood hypertension, oxidative stress). These two conditions are important risk factors for myocardial infarction, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.


Marijuana significantly reduces blood pressure, according to a 2014 study. Furthermore, marijuana possesses potent antioxidative properties that balance oxidation inside the cell. This is extremely important because oxidative stress is the main culprit of many disease processes.

Related Article: Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana


Decreases the risk of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most common metabolic diseases worldwide. By itself, diabetes is a risk factor of cardiovascular disease and could lead to debilitating consequences, such as:

  • Diabetic neuropathy

The risk of type 2 diabetes significantly increases after the age of 40. In one study, researchers concluded that the regular use of marijuana may reduce the risk of diabetes by 56%.


How can marijuana improve quality of life?

The quality of life is an important concept in the field of clinical medicine that’s often taken into account when evaluating the prognosis (i.e., outcome) of patients and the functionality they will be left with. When doctors treat any pathology, they keep QoL on top of the list of priorities, as it will determine how patients respond to treatments and what sort of life they will have. By targeting many of the symptoms that negatively impact patients’ QoL, such as chronic pain, mental disorders, and cognitive decline, marijuana might just be the perfect substance to help these individuals.


One good example where marijuana use improves QoL is during palliative treatment.

This approach focuses on improving the symptoms of patients dealing with incurable diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and end-stage cancer. To prevent unnecessary symptoms of pain, inflammation, and sharp mental decline, marijuana gets used as part of a holistic treatment plan.

Need help getting started on medical marijuana? All Natural Health Certifications has marijuana doctors in Windermere, Lake Mary, Apopka, and more coming soon.


Takeaway message

Marijuana is a fantastic substance that helps the human body in many ways. Utilizing this product to manage chronic illnesses showed impressive results in clinical trials, as well as real-life scenarios. Hopefully, this article managed to showcase the potential uses of marijuana in the medical field. If you have questions, concerns, or something you want to add, please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Get Started.