Tag: Lake Mary

November 20, 2020

Medical Marijuana (MMJ) edibles are cannabis and cannabinoids which marijuana doctors suggest to their patients for the treatment of a number of different conditions including seizures, muscle spasms, multiple sclerosis, crohn’s disease, cancer, appetite loss, anorexia, glaucoma, epilepsy, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, cachexia, and more. These are the edible products (food, drinkable or…

November 8, 2020

Do You Qualify for Medical Marijuana In Florida Something a lot of citizens of Florida want to know. Well, the trained specialists and marijuana doctors in Florida have the answer for you.   Senate Bill 8A defines a qualified patient as: A resident of the State of [Florida] who has been added to the medical…

October 15, 2020

Overview Despite the bad reputation that marijuana has among the general population, it is an incredibly beneficial substance that aids in many health conditions and improves the quality of life. Today, there are hundreds of published research papers that cover the potential health benefits of using marijuana in different fields of medicine. In fact, many…

December 8, 2019

Marijuana is being used for thousands of years for treating various diseases. Most popularly insomnia, mental issues, cramping, pain, inflammation, and many other diseases. Now, medical science has taken the initiative to use this herb for treating Grave disease, which has become common among elders as well as youngsters. Graves Disease: Graves’ disease is a…

December 7, 2018

Breaking Down Marijuana and Chronic Pain Back pain can be one of the most debilitating conditions an individual can encounter; there are very few daily activities that do not involve some kind of movement or even bracing of your back. Living with Chronic Back Pain can leave you feeling frustrated, incapable and, at times, downright depressed. The situation can…